Welcome, Spring!

Today, we celebrated the Vernal Equinox, officially welcoming the Spring season. When we move from one season to another, it always reminds me of what happens when we take a plane flight. We are moving from one location to another. Like the flight attendants remind us at the end of our flight, the contents in the overhead bins tend to shift, as do our attitudes especially if we are taking that flight for a vacation.

The word shift means to change or transform, to move from one place to another, or it can be a change in attitude or emphasis. As we move into a new Spring season, there is a shift after the long flight of this past winter. The State of NY, as well as the CDC, has shifted their guidelines around the pandemic and we are also shifting our mindset and attitudes around this as well. This seasonal change also offers a shift in our physical environment as well as our mental state.  A shift to more light, more warmth. With this increasing light and warmth, there is a shift in our energy state — from hibernation, and minimal activity indoors, to the natural environment outdoors that makes us feel more alive. Also, as we go outside, we see new beginnings. Fresh buds blooming, animals awakening, and the earth coming to life again.

Practicing yoga is like the Springtime with its potential for shift as well. Like the contents in the overhead bins during a plane flight, things shift every time you come to your mat. It may be your body shifting into flexibility or strength, or your mind shifting its contents and transforming questions into answers. It may be your ability to remember to pause before reacting, which can shift the energy of the outcome. Or, it may be your heart that shifts as conflict and resistance becomes acceptance, compassion and kindness. We may move into unfamiliar territory as the contents of our bodies, minds, and hearts shift through this practice. This transformative practice of yoga is not about adding or taking away the content of who we are. It is more about shifting the contents and uncovering all the junk, judgements, and conditioning that have concealed our true and best self. It assists us in recognizing and shifting the patterns that have developed over time, patterns that may not be healthy and are in need of shifting.

Allow this new season to bring you out of hibernation! Find the warmth and light of the Absolute Yoga community and come onto your mat to help you shift the contents of who you are. This practice of yoga, with its ability to shift the contents of your body, mind, and heart (just like the shift of seasons from winter to spring), can be transformative and life altering. Hope to see you on your mat this week in any of our in-studio or online classes where you can experience the shift for yourself.

As always, thanks for reading my musings. Namaste, Leslie

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